When you open your eyes, you realize you are an orange cat. You see your evil owner, Dane Shawson, staring down at you with a menacing look...You instinctively know you need to escape. ESCAPE BEYOND DIMENSIONS!


Moving left/right: Press A/D or Left-arrow/Right-arrow keys.

Jumping/Wall-jumping: Press W or Up-arrow keys.

Interact: Press F key to interact with buttons.

Jetpacking: Press Left-shift + W or Left-shift + Up-arrow keys to use jetpack; make sure you interact with anti-gravity button first to enable jetpack.

Teleport: Stand in front of the Blue Teleporter for 3 seconds to teleport to another dimension; some teleports have minimum number of fish to collect...make sure you collect as many fish you can before time runs out!

Collecting fish: No need to press any keys, just run into the fish and they get collected automatically.

Using Power-up items: Run into one of the items and the power-up immediately takes effect; item regenerates after some time, so calculate your power-up use accordingly!

Q: I don't know where to start exploring. How should I know where to go?

A: You should look for the blue and yellow signs pointing to the direction you are supposed to progress!

Design Document



  • Angela Rhee


  • Milo Lin,
  • Adi Yadhav, 
  • Zac Crapanzano

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